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Exercise 1. Вставьте глаголы say или tell в правильной форме.

1. He … me to meet his brother outside the shop.

2. Sarah … that she wanted to take up a new hobby.

3. «I’ll see you tomorrow» Page … Bill.

4. Sue … to me that she had sprained her ankle while playing football.

5. «I’m feeling much better today,» Phoebe… .

6. «Stop laughing at me!» Hanna … to Peter.

Exercise 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Какие точные слова говорящего?

1..- Did Emma go to Sarah’s party?— She couldn’t. She said she has to/ had to get up early the next day.

2.- Where is Tom?— He is sleeping. He said he has/had a headache.

3. — Is Bill coming to the cinema tonight?— Yes. He said he would/will meet us at the main entrance.

4. — Have you seen Nelly?— Yes. She said she went/was going shopping.

5. Sandra is moving to her new flat.— Yes. She told me she was needing/needed help.

6. Will Nina be at the gym today?-No. She said she felt/had been feeling all all day.

Exercise 3. Напишите предложения в косвенной речи.

1. «She doesn’t know the latest news,» he said.

2. «I can store 3 GB of music on this,» said Nick.

3. «We have been using this software for two years,» said Troy.

4. «I’ve always loved this song» said Betty.

5. «She will copy the CD for me» Tom told Bill.

6. «I am considering a career in show business» Ken told his sister.

7. «I downloaded the program for you» said Jane.

8. «I can’t get this device to work» said Steven.

9. «You mustn’t press this button» said Fran.

10. «I was playing video games all night» said Bob.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. My father’s friend had a baby yesterday. У друга моего папы вчера родился ребёнок.
2. He was having dinner in the restaurant at that time. В это время он ужинал в ресторане.
3. My cousin bought the souvenirs when he was in London. Мой кузен купил эти сувениры когда он был в Лондоне.
4. The train was going out at 8 p.m. yesterday. Поезд выезжал вчера в 8 вечера.
5. His aunt studied English in 2001. Его тётя изучала английский в 2001-м году.

Популярно: Английский язык