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1. The primary subject matter of psychology is

a. the philosophical concept of the psyche
b. the behavior of organisms
c. the conscious mind
d. the unconscious mind

2. Which one of the following is not a goal of scientific psychology?

a. To abstract behavior
b. To explain behavior
c. To predict behavior
d. To control behavior

3. What characterizes a school of psychology?

a. Its physiological research
b. Its stand on Gestalt psychology
c. Its orientation toward psychoanalysis
d. Its viewpoint and assumptions

4. Functionalism, associated with William James, is particularly interested in

a. introspection
b. the structure of consciousness
c. how the mind works
d. developmental psychology

5. Which one of the following is correctly associated with the German word Gestalt?
a. Neuron
b. Organized whole
c. Physiological psychology
d. Repression

6. What school of psychology indicates that it is important to study behavior itself, not the mind or consciousness?

a. Behaviorism
b. Structuralism
c. Psychoanalysis
d. Functionalism

7. The principal assumption of psychoanalysis is that

a. habits determine behavior
b. human beings do not have an unconscious mental life
c. human beings have an unconscious mental life
d. all motives are inborn

8. The cognitive viewpoint stresses the importance of

a. learning
b. thinking
c. motivation
d. biological drives

8. What viewpoint stresses the importance of the activity of the brain and nervous system?
a. The psychodynamic viewpoint
b. The learning viewpoint
c. The humanistic viewpoint
d. The biological viewpoint

10. Psychotherapy is a work activity associated with what field of psychology?

a. Experimental psychology
b. Developmental psychology
c. Clinical psychology
d. Physiological psychology

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