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Larrived land fast, 5 prosthetic
10 disaster
Read through Module 1 and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Now
write a quiz of your own. Give it to your partner. Check their answers.
1 Alava fountain can shoot up
5 Fire tornadoes are rare.
to three feet,
6 Lake Portchartrain is in the
2 Aron Ralston was trapped
north of New Orleans.
for a week,
7 Floods cause tsunamis.
3 Blue John Canyon is in Utah,
8 In Honduras, it rains fish
4 Hurricane Katrina hit
New Orleans in 2005,
every summer.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. you look really great! (you worked) out at the fitness center recently 2 a: what (di you do) when the accident occurred. b: i( will try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out. 3 if it (snows) this weekend, we (will go) skiing near lake tahoe. 4 i came to england six months ago. i started my economics course three months ago. when i return to australia, i (will study) for nine months and i (will be) in england for exactly one year. 5. sam (arrived) in san diego a week ago. 6. samantha (lives) in berlin for more than two years. in fact, she (lived) there when the berlin wall came down. 7. if vera (keeps) drinking, she (will lose, eventually) her job. 8. shhhhh! be quiet! john (sleeps). 9 it (rained) all week. i hope it stops by saturday because i want to go to the beach. 10. listen donna i don't care if you (missed) the bus this morning. you (were) late to work too many times. you are fired!

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