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The Sign of Four. Part 1. Put the verbs into the correct tense form. One rainy morning I was reading (read) a newspaper and Holmes
(sit) in the armchair deep in thought. He
seem) very happy. "I
(be) bored," he
(say) suddenly.
(not / can) live without mysteries. That's why
(choose) the job of a detective. Work
my brain. I always
(need) a problem to solve. Only then my life
(make) sense.” At that moment we
(hear) a knock at the
door. Our landlady
(enter) the room. She
(carry) a card
on the metal tray. "Miss Mary Morstan", Holmes
(read) the name
on the card. "I
(never / hear) that name. Please, ask the lady to
step up.” When a young lady
(come) in, Holmes
her a seat and she
(start) talking. Her hands
while she
(tell) us her story. "I
(be) Sherlock Holmes
and this
(be) Doctor Watson. We
(work) together
for many years." "Mr Holmes, I
(come) to you because once
(help) my best friend. I hope you
(help) me too.
Something strange

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Ответы на вопрос:

Texting while driving is illegal in 47 states of the USA. But what about texting while 8) walking? A law was recently passed in Honolulu, Hawaii. The law makes it illegal to text or look down at a device while 3) crossing the street. It is the first major U.S. city with a law like this. Some 5) people are in favour of the law. They say it will keep people safe. Others are 2) against it. Should more places adopt such a law? Sally Eun Bine Park from Paju, South Korea, says: «What’s more 4) important, texting or safety? Looking at your phone while walking is not safe. You might not see a car coming. We call people who look at their 7) phones while walking «smartphone zombies.» This law will help keep people alive! And we will see fewer zombies on the street».

13 - 8)

14 - 3)

15 - 5)

16 - 2)

17 - 4)

18 - 7)

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