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When you look at two organisms, it is hard to decide by comparing only their

physical characteristics if they are in the same species or not. Two organisms can

look similar but be in different species. For example, cheetah, leopard and jaguar

look similar, but they are three different species. On the other hand, dogs look

different, but they are one species.  

For new species to be produced, organisms must undergo reproductive isolation.

It means, they should not be able to interbreed and produce offspring. The

process of formation of new species is called speciation. There are two main

Все учебники Казахстана на OKULYK.KZ *Книга предоставлена исключительно в образовательных целях

согласно Приказа Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 17 мая 2019 года № 217

types of speciation: allopatric and sympatric.

Allopatric speciation

Two organism can be reproductively isolated by geographical barriers. For

example, one part of bird population moves from the mainland to an island. It is

separated from the original population. Here, on the island plants and animals

are different from the mainland. These birds start to adapt to new environment

and change their characteristics. Birds interbreed and over time new generations

become different from the original population on the mainland. These two

populations now cannot interbreed. A new species is formed.  

There can be different geographical barriers, for example, large forest can

become split, if part of the trees are cut. So, organisms become isolated from

each other. Speciation when populations are isolated geographically is called

allopatric speciation.

Sympatric speciation

Sympatric speciation is the speciation when there is no geographical barriers.

Organisms are located in one area, but become reproductively isolated.

Polyploidy is the example of sympatric speciation.  

Polyploid organism is an organism with more than two sets of chromosomes (3n,

4n, 5n, etc.). It can happen if chromosomes do not separate during gamete

formation. This gametes will be diploid (2n). Then, when these gametes fuse, the

resulting zygote will be tetraploid (4n).

This tetraploid organism can not reproduce sexually, because it is hard to

undergo meiosis and produce gametes. But this organism can easily reproduce

asexually and produce offspring. This offspring can grow and produce a

population of tetraploid organisms. So, the resulting population cannot

interbreed with the original diploid population. They are considered a new

species. Polyploidy mostly happens in plants.  


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