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6. A: (Antonio, have, ever) a job? B: Yes, he . He (have) lots of part-time jobs. Last summer he (have). job at his uncle's store.
7. A: This is a good book. Would you like to read it when I'm finished?
B: Thanks, but I (read, already) it. I (read) couple of months ago.
8. A: What European countries (you, visit)?
B: I (visit) Hungary, Germany, and Switzerland. I (visit). Hungary in 1998. 1 (be)
in Germany and Switzerland in 2001.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Пррсти что незнаю но пока

2. companies are finding it is increasingly important to gather information about their competitors in today’s business environment. present continuous, active voice 3. if the interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be successful.  present simple, active voice                   future simple, active voice 4. the shop was attracting many customers when it was supplied by famous companies  past continuous, active voice                               past simple, passive voice 5. most of money will have been lent for them for very short periods of time like a week or even an overnight.. future perfect, passive voice

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