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1. Употребите оборот “there be” в следующих предложениях: a) … a lot of beautiful places in our town.
b) … nothing in the bag.
c) How many floors … in this block of flats?
d) How much tea … in the glass a minute ago?
e) … seven days in a week.

2. Put in some, any, no, every or their derivatives:

1. … serious happened to him that day.
2. They didn’t say … .
3. There hang …drawings on the wall.
4. Do you see … in the room?
5. Take … journal from the bookcase.
6. I’m sure there is … in the flat, knock louder.
7. Many young people couldn’t find … job.
8. Is there … else you want to tell me? – No, … .
9. Can I have … coffee? – Yes, you can have … .
10.We haven’t got … questions.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. yes, he is / no, it isn't 2. yes, it is / no, it isn't 3. yes, it can / no, it can't 4. yes, it is / no, it isn't 5. yes, they can / no, they can't

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