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Blend n. mixture n.
charter n.
agreement n.
jury n,. jurisdiction n., judiciary n.
practice n., practise v.
suit n.
legal adj.
eventually adv.
reinforce v.
shape v.
conformity n.
amendment n.
supreme adj.

Fill in the correct word in the appropriate grammar form. Use the list above.
1 Johnson has filed … against her.
2 The committee has …over all tax measures.
3 Divorce finally became … there in 1992
4 Parliament passed the bill without further …
5 Success in the talks will … his reputation as an international statesman.
6 Gemma … now … as a lawyer.
7 The company must act in … with local regulations.
8 It’s an excellent team, with a nice … of experience and youthful enthusiasm.
9 The … found him not guilty.
10 The town’s … was granted in 1838
11 Failure to reach an … will result in a strike.
12 Seventy-two percent of people … found work, but mainly in low-paid service jobs.
13 The … has the function of interpreting the law and applying it to specific cases.
14 The man had a leading role in … party policy.
15 The Constitution is the … law of the land.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. They didn't use 2. John didn't stay 3. Maria didn't visit 4. You didn't change 5. Einstein didn't invent 6. I didn't chat to my friend on the phone.


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