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Нужно составить и записать диалог на английском языке.В нём должны быть использованы согласие/несогласие/реакция на хорошие и плохие новости/нейтральные фразы-заполнители должны хотя бы раз быть использованы. Минимум 5-6 реплик с каждой стороны.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Да это же проще простого! Просто поставь вопросы, которые связаны по смыслу


-Hi Mum

-Hi David

-what are you doing?

- I am playing football!

- Do you like football?

-Yes, I like football!

-I going to shopping do you want go with me

- Yes, thanks!

There are many interesting articles in this magazine. there are many museums and theatres in our city. is there a telephone in this room? there are two windows in this room. there wasn't any tea in the cup. how many articles were there in this magazine? there were some articles there. how many students are there in the room? there are twenty students. there will be a park near our house. was there a school in this street?

Популярно: Английский язык