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And my familiar wind is short sentences with support Davide pelo sind ebfects on general and curtcular toples
Red Thesd I. Listen about Mars Polowke. Answer the questions,
Alat Pota, the famous explorer, was born to Italy in the thinventh century. When hr was in he travelled to
chte wah has father and uncle. It was a very dangerous journey and they were very happy when they came to
More hot in China for 17 years and leaned lots of interesting things. He came back fr Italy with lons of
besdiful things,
He wrote a book about his adventures. The stones were so amazing that many people thought they were not true.
Now wavelling is sokasy, we forget how difficult and dangerous it was long ago
L Who wis Marco Polo
2 What country did Marco visit when he was 12
3. Why did people think that the stones in the book were not true!'
Tash. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Thinh, which wortis you must write with a capital letter
I. many/silk / years/popular nad / wats ago the
te/people/ bought/silk many on things (10ad
3. polo/dhe road/travelled marco silk
4. father's polo's/nanje/niccola was/marco
4 points
Total: 7 polnts​

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тьттоорпатод гкчкмгиечсс щ

And my familiar wind is short sentences with support Davide pelo sind ebfects on general and curtcul

народная медицина  - одна из древнейших наук, истоки которой восходят к заре человечества. она усовершенствовалась по мере развития общества. с появлением же письменности, стали создаваться разнообразные произведения врачевательного характера. в письменном наследии древних народов египта и греции, рима и ирана, индии и тибета, средней азии и других стран памятники народной медицины занимают почетное место.  термин "народная медицина" в его современной трактовке обозначает совокупность всех видов так называемой нетрадиционной медицины, объединяющей, в основном, восточные медицинские школы, целительство (знахарство) и лечение с приемов и методов, не требующих применение промышленно изготовленных лекарств.  таким образом, можно отметить, что не существует единого мнения не только относительно статуса народной медицины, но и определения, раскрывающего ее суть, как феномена. что же собой представляет традиционная народная медицина? или это действительно эмпирические знания, взятые человеком у природы или "специфические" способности отдельных людей?   на этот вопрос можно ответить, если рассмотреть корни народной медицины и правовые институты, потенциально способные обеспечить правовую охрану традиционных знаний.

traditional medicine - one of the oldest sciences, whose origins date back to the dawn of mankind. she perfected the development of society. with the advent of writing, began to form a variety of products vrachevatelnogo character. in the writings of the ancient peoples of egypt and greece, rome and iran, india and tibet, central asia and other countries of the monuments of folk medicine take pride of place.the term "traditional medicine" in its modern interpretation is the collection of all kinds of so-called alternative medicine, combining mostly oriental medical schools, healing (sorcery) and treatment with the help of techniques and methods that do not require the use of industrially produced medicines.thus, it can be noted that there is no consensus regarding the status of not only traditional medicine, but also the definition of revealing its essence, as a historical phenomenon. what is a traditional folk medicine? or is it really empirical knowledge taken from nature or by man 'specific' ability of individuals? this question can be answered by considering the historical roots of folk medicine and legal institutions with the potential to provide the legal protection of traditional knowledge.

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