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Health is very important for every person. Everybody wants to be healthy and active. But in spite of that a lot of people nowadays have different illnesses and other health problems. I take care of my health because I like to feel well. But sometimes it seems that everyone all around me is ill, so it is extremely easy to ger sick. Sometimes I am tired or stressed and I have a headache. So, I must use an aspirin or some other pain killer. I don’t like to go to the doctor, but sometimes I have to. I go to the dentist once a year because it is important to look after your teeth. I hate toothache and can't understand people who are ready to tolerate it because they are scared to go to the dentist.
In my opinion people should try to keep fit, eat healthy food and do some sports. But even if you do all that, it doesn’t guarantee that you won't have some serious disease like asthma or cancer. The reason of it is a high level of pollution of the environment.
Adam, 19 years old
Mark the sentences True or False.

Everybody wants to be healthy and active.
Sometimes Adam has a headache.
When he has a headache, he doesn’t drink an aspirin.
Adam thinks that we should try to keep fit but we shouldn’t eat healthy food.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Excuse me, sir. What time is it?
прощения, сэр. Который час?

I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?
Простите, не могли бы Вы повторить?

What time is it?
Который час?

Oh, I’m sorry. It’s nine thirty.
О, простите. 9:30.

Do you understand everything in English?
Вы всё понимаете по-английски?

Not everything, but most of it.
Не всё, но бОльшую часть.

I understand it better when people speak slowly.
Я понимаю лучше, когда люди говорят медленно.

It’s true that we sometimes speak fast.
Это правда, что мы иногда говорим быстро.

But I think that you speak it very well!
Но я считаю, что вы говорите на нём (английском) очень хорошо!

Did you learn it in school?
Вы учили его (английский) в школе?

Yes. In Ukraine, we study English in school,
Да, в Украине мы учим английский в школе,

but I also learned a lot by watching movies and TV shows,
но я также много выучил, смотря фильмы и сериалы,

listening to music, and playing video games in English.
слушая музыку и играя в видеоигры на английском.

Really? Which video games did you play?
Правда? В какие видеоигры вы играли?

I loved Zelda and Pokemon.
Мне очень нравились «Зельда» и «Покемон».

That’s a very fun way to learn a language!
Это очень увлекательный изучения язык

Популярно: Английский язык