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11.2 read about what these people do, and say what their jobs are. choose from: chef interpreter journalist nurse plumber surgeon travel agent sarah looks after patients in hospital. she's a nurse 2 gary works in restaurant. he brings the food to the tables, martina arranges people's holidays for them. she 4 kevin works in a hospital. he operates people. 5 cooks in a restaurant, waiter jane writes articles for newspaper. dave installs and repairs water pipes. 8 landa translates what people are saying from one language into another, so that they cam understand each other.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. bob asks nick  when   pam came. 2. she asks me: if my brother is always so polite." 3. he tells meto hurry up. 4. the doctor asked ann  if she is coughing badly. 5. dan said  that iit  was not there. 6. frank asks his brother  where he went last night. 7. the mother said  to  alan to  stay at home.  раскрыть скобки, используя правило об условных предложениях: 8. if i have time i will help you with your translation tonight. 9. if i had known about it at that time i would have told you the truth. 10. buy this book for me, if you   find it. 11. if i were you i would give him some money. 12. if it were summer now we would go to the seaside. 13. if you had worked more you  would  not have  failed this exam.

Популярно: Английский язык