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Match the sentences. 1. attache a) beams forming part of the internal framework of a roof

2. naturalist b) great or vast

3. spacious c) government representatives

4. veranda d) lose or give up

5. rafters e) immediate thought or reaction

6. impulse f) person who studies plants, animals,

insects and other living things.

7. arresting g) Indian money

8. sober h) make or become more serious and solemn

9. forfeit i) a roofed platform along the outside of a house

10. rupees j) attracting attention

11. emerge k) come into view​

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Ответы на вопрос:

hello, my dear friend! i was very glad to receive your letter!

  i am glad that you are going to visit russia! it is a great country! it is cold in january  in russia.  you should wear a warm jacket, a warm hat, warm boots and of course  mittens.

it may be 20-25 degrees below zero. and it may be very windy.

tell me about your visit of globe theater? do you like it? did you go there alone? did you take any photos? sorry. i have to go.  write me as soon as possible! bye!  

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