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Какая функция начинаются с ключевого слова​

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4,8(38 оценок)

Uses graphabc; var a,b,c: array[10..99] of integer;   ast,bst,cst: string;   i: integer; begin ast: ='a: '; bst: ='б: '; cst: ='в: '; for i: =10 to 99 do begin c[i]: =i; a[i]: =c[i]-i+random(50); b[i]: =c[i]-a[i]; ast: =ast+' '+inttostr(a[i]); bst: =bst+' '+inttostr(b[i]); cst: =cst+' '+inttostr(c[i]); end; setpencolor(clred); line(0,0,150,0); line(150,0,75,50); line(75,50,0,0); rectangle(0,50,150,300); drawtextcentered(0,50,150,300,ast); setpencolor(clyellow); line(150,0,300,0); line(300,0,225,50); line(225,50,150,0); rectangle(150,50,300,300); drawtextcentered(150,50,300,300,bst); setpencolor(clgreen); line(300,0,450,0); line(450,0,375,50); line(375,50,300,0); rectangle(300,50,450,300); drawtextcentered(300,50,450,300,cst); end.

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