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6. Can you please the instructions with me again? I didn't understand the first time. * A) go over

B) take on

C) depend on

D) call off


7) The teacher had examined him. *

(A) He was examined by the teacher.

(B) He has been examined by the teacher.

(C) He had been examined by the teacher.

(D) None of these

8) Mr Tom teaches us science. *

(A) Science was teaching us by Mr Tom.

(B) Science is taught us by Mr Tom.

(C) Science was taught us by Mr Tom.

(D) We are taught science by Mr Tom.

9) Yosemite National park covers ….. km of central California *

A) 2049874

B) 302687

C) 302678

D) 300349

10) Hang …….. a minute I have something else to tell you! *

A) hang out

B) hang around

C) hang up

D) hang on

11) The bird can't fly ... because it has hurt its wing. *

A) anywhere

B) anything

C) somewhere

D) something

12) Give me ... a book or a copybook. *

A) either

B) Neither

C) Both

D) Every

13) 5. ... boys and girls play tennis. *

A) Either

B) Neither

C) Both

D) Every

14) A prize …… to whoever solves this equation. *

A) will be given

B) gives

will being give

D) will give

15)For the past few days I (work) in Jack’s office, as my own … (decorate). *

a. have been working/ is being decorated

b. worked/ decorated

c. am worked/ is being decorated.

c. was worked/ was being decorated

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Ответы на вопрос:

Joph is really tall   with a black hair  перевод: джон действительно высокий, мускулистый, с черными волосами

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