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Callum: Hi, Callum Robertson. Helen: Hello Callum. Helen Francis, from The Nation.

Callum: Hi. How are you? Thanks for the email.

Helen: I’m fine. Thanks for agreeing to do the interview. As I mentioned in the email, it’s pretty simple really. Just a few questions about the media. You can say as much or as little as you like.

Callum: Fine, go ahead.

Helen: OK… first question: which newspapers do you read?

Callum: I don’t buy a newspaper every day because I don’t really have time to read one. I cycle to work every day and it’s a bit difficult to read a newspaper while you’re cycling. If I travel by train, I get one of the free newspapers, like the Metro that we have here in London. But when I get to work we have the daily papers here, so at lunchtime, I read The Guardian or I have a look at one of the tabloids.

Helen: What about magazines?

Callum: I subscribe to a computer magazine, Mac World, because I have a Mac at home and I like to keep up with what’s going on with Macs. And at work I look at some of the trade magazines and some other computer and Internet magazines, but apart from that I don’t spend a lot of time with magazines.

Helen: Uh-huh. What do you watch on TV?

Callum: I watch a great deal of television. I probably watch too much television. I like documentaries and comedies. I like American drama series like The Sopranos and ER and things like that. But I do have square eyes, I think.

Helen: Do you ever listen to the radio, apart from the programmes you make?

Callum: I listen to the radio a lot. I think it’s a great medium. When I’m cooking in the kitchen, I always have the radio on. When I’m in the bath, I have the radio on and when I go to sleep at night, I have the radio on. And it’s actually on throughout the night, and when I wake up in the morning I have the radio on. It’s mainly talk radio: news station BBC Five Live is the station I tend to listen to, that or Radio 4, another BBC station. I don’t listen to very much music on the radio, but I love the radio – it’s great.

Are these sentences True or False?

1. Callum doesn’t buy a newspaper every day.

2. When he cycles to work, he gets one of the free newspapers.

3. The magazines that he reads are mainly computer magazines.

4. He likes a variety of different TV programmes.

5. He listens to the radio when he’s doing other things.


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hi gchcydyftcyhggghy8yg

Who first mastered the internet in our family? dad, because he needed him first of all for work, for example: send and receive a document on a new flight, download various films teaching the english language, etc.he helps him very much so far. then, after the appearance of the second modem, the brother began to use the internet. with him, he made various presentations, downloaded films for lessons and of course play games, from which he is dependent to this day. and only after the router's appearance rostelecom started to use it, it also helps me in my studies and because i do not play games, i use social networks, i can not say that i depend on the internet rather from the phone itself, i do not know why . mom certainly started to use the internet before, but for some reason i'm talking about her last, she is looking for recipes in it watching movies and educational videos.i can not say that the internet is good in everything, because many depend on it, so there are also so-called death groups, but still it became much easier with his arrival.

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