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1. If you the kitchen, you will see a vase with flowers. A) Will enter
B) Enters
C) Enter
D) Would enter
E) Have been entering
2. I’d come out for a walk with you if I so busy.
A) Be not
B) Would be not
C) Is not
D) Were not
E) Are not
3. She promoted last year if she with the boss.
A) would have been / doesn’t argue
B) would have been / hadn’t argued
C) will be / hadn’t argued
D) would have been / didn’t argued
E) will have been / hadn’t argued
4. I it unless he me a good reason.
A) wouldn’t accept/had given
B) won’t accept/gives
C) won’t be accepting/give
D) wouldn’t have accepted/gave
E) accepted/will give
5. If you … so much money, I … angry.
A) didn’t spent/wouldn’t have be
B) hadn’t spent/wouldn’t have been
C) won’t spend/wouldn’t be
D) hadn’t spent/will be
E) hasn’t spent/wouldn’t have be
6. The Statue of Liberty was then carefully and .
A) Lifted on the pedestal / sold
B) Taken apart / shipped to America
C) Planed to the Bedloe’s (now, Liberty) Island
D) Lifted and broken
E) Shown and sold
7. What is the national emblem of England?
A) Shamrock
B) Tulip
C) Maple leaf
D) Rose
E) Violet

8. Buckingham Palace has rooms.
A) 1000
B) 200
C) 350
D) 600
E) 500
9. What is the nickname of New York?
A) The Big Manhattan.
B) The Big Indianapolis.
C) The Big Apple.
D) The Big Peach.
E) The Big York.
10. Put the verb in the correct form in the Passive: Butter … … from milk
A) are made
B) is make
C) is made
D) were made
E) been made
11. Put the verb in the correct form in the Passive: The houses … … 100 years ago
A) were built
B) is built
C) are built
D) been built
E) were build
12. Put the verb in the correct form in the Passive: How often … these rooms…?
A) has … … cleaned
B) are … … cleaned
C) is … … cleaned
D) been … … cleaned
E) are … … clean
13. Put the verb in the correct form in the Passive: The roof … … … now
A) are being repaired
B) has being repaired
C) is being repaired
D) been is repaired
E) was being repaired
14. Put the verb in the correct form in the Passive: The car … … …
A) is been damage
B) has been damaged
C) are been damaged
D) will is damaged
E) has be damaged
15. The table of wood.
A) Is make
B) Were made
C) Are made
D) Was made
E) Was maked

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1 c 2d 3 b 4 b 5b 6b 7 d 8 d 9 c 10 c 11 a 12 b 13 c 14 b 15 d


Every one of us dreams to become someone in the future. Someone wanted to become an astronaut, another one to become a policeman. And we’ll get a lot of roads opened after school. But it’s not an easy thing – to choose one job from more than two thousands. A lot of students follow the example of their parents; others can’t choose their job even after leaving school. As for me – you should follow your dreams and every work will become pleasant.I chose my direction a long time before. I want to study languages. And profession is not so important here. As there are a lot of pros and cons in every profession. It’s great to become a teacher of foreign languages, as that feeling when you made little boys and girls interested in your classes because you made them funny and interesting, is unreal. Journalism is one more perfect profession. You use your creativity to make the reader engaged in your article, you always looking for some curious information to make it more interesting, and even if you make it in English or French, or Spanish it becomes like a challenge to impress yourself.I hope that everyone in this class will find their true path in life. And here are some pieces of advice for those who didn’t make their choice: know your work style; identify your skills, determine your goals and talk to people who work in the field

робота яка подобається:

Кожний з нас мріяв стати кимось в дитинстві. Хтось хотів бути космонавтом, хтось бажав стати поліцейським. І після школи нам відкриються безліч доріг. Але вибір професії – зовсім нелегка річ, адже їх близько двох тисяч. Багато учнів йдуть по слідам своїх батьків, а дехто навіть після закінчення школи не може зробити вибір. Як на мене – ви повинні слідувати своїм мріям, і тоді люба робота стане приємною

Свій шлях я вибрав вже досить давно. Я хочу вивчати мови. А професія не є такою важливою тут. Так як в кожній з них є свої плюси і мінуси. Це чудово працювати вчителем іноземних мов. Те відчуття коли маленькі хлопчики й дівчатка зацікавлені у твоєму уроці, так як ти намагаєшся зробити їх максимально цікавими і веселими. Ці відчуття просто нереальні. Журналіст – ще одна чудова професія. Ти використовуєш свою креативність для того, щоб зацікавити читача в своїй статті. Завжди намагаєшся знайти якусь курйозну інформацію, щоб зробити роботу більш захоплюючою для читача. А якщо ти пишеш англійською, французькою або іспанською це стає невеликим випробуванням – здивувати себе.Я сподіваюсь, що кожний в цьому класі знайде свою дорогу в житті. А зараз декілька порад для тих, хто цього ще не зробив: виявіть свій стиль роботи, визначте свої навички та вміння, поставте собі декілька цілей та поспілкуйтеся з людьми, які працюють в даній сфері.

Популярно: Английский язык