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Task I Read the dialogue and complete the task.
Two friends are trying to decide what film to watch.
- We could see The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It’s an old western.
- I saw that a few weeks ago with my dad.
- Did you like it?
- I found it boring. Too many cowboys and horses. I prefer horror films. Let’s get Friday the 13th. It’s a classic.
- I watched it last night on TV. It didn’t scare me at all.
- Well, what about a comedy with Jim Carrey?
- Again? We rented a comedy last week. How about Star Wars?
- No, not science fiction again. And no more adventure films, please. Let’s get something different.
- Well, what’s left? What about this one, A Love Story? Ha, ha!
- Yuk! Not a romance. No way. How about one with crime or a drama?
- I know! Silence of the Lambs with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. It won Oscars for best actress, actor and director in 1992.
- It’s also a horror film. Wicked – let’s get it.
Find the words from the text that refer to each type of film.
1. a film that makes you feel afraid           
2. a film with cowboys
3. a funny film
4. a film with aliens and about space          
5. a film about murders, thieves and robbers          
Task II
Listen to her telephone interview with Callum. Which of these different types of media does he use a lot?
Newspapers            magazines               television                 radio              the Internet
Task III
Use of English
Choose the correct item
1. This week, there are over 20 films to choose for / from.
2. How do you keep in / on touch from / with your friends?
Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice
1. They program the robot to protect a young boy.
2. Christina Aguilera sings the “Shark Tale” theme song.
Rewrite the sentences in the active voice
1. “The Scream” was painted by Munch in 1893.
2. Oscars are awarded every year.​

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