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Choose the right description for the main characters.
He is a heroic outlaw who steals from the
rich and gives to the poor. He is known for
his mastery of archery as well as his talent
for disguising himself. Despite being
declared an outlaw He is a good and
generous person at heart, and is beloved by
the townspeople for his deeds. It's a
Aldar Kose
They are from Kazakh folklore. They are two
brothers. One of them wanted to be famous
nd built the enormous bridge. Another one
Tiked music and was the creator of Kazakh
national instrument.
They are
я о
А A​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. reading is less difficult than writing. 2. amber is less expensive than diamond 3. bob is less experienced than mary 4. film is less than book 5. daughter is less capable than son 6. the americans are less hospitable than the russians 7. men are less emotional than women 8, text 1 is less difficult than text 2 9. coffee is less tasty than cocoa 10. the anglo-saxons are less ancient than the celts 11. the parliament is less influential than the president.     1.alec eats oftener than ann 2. bob drives more carefully than nick 3. betty thinks more slowly than mary 4. pine trees grow faster than oak trees 5. ted does better in english than john   6 he plays the piano worse than his sister 7. the book seems more boring than the film 8. steve works harder than pete 9. your hair looks more beautiful than mine 10. the new secretary works more efficiently than the old one.

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