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Complete the text with the articles.do you know what a limerick is? i bet you don't. most ( teenagers are not very keen on poetry, i also prefer (2)_0__ historical novels and detective stories to poetry. poetry seems boring to me but ( limericks are a different thing. they are quite popular in (4)_0_ britain, in ( ireland in particular. a limerick is (6)_a_ kind of humorous little poem. it has only five lines. (7)_the_ first line rhymes with the second, the third with the fourth, and the last one with the first and the second again. (8)_the_rhyme of limerick is like this: aabba. l even wrote (9)   a__ limerick myself. it's about a holiday at(10)_the__seaside.lay in the sun as long as you canno doubt, you'll get a wonderful tan.at contests of beauties you'll get the first prizeand even your doctor will say in surprise  that he is forever your fan.

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