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1. Choose the correct answer: What is temperature?
a. the heat intensity in a substance
b. a measure of the heat intensity in a substance
c. the intensity of a substance
d. the junction of two different metal temperatures
2. Choose the correct answer: What is heat?

a comparative lack of cold
the lack of motion
the lack of heat
the lack of substances
3. Choose the correct answer: What is cold?

a comparative lack of cold
the lack of motion
the lack of heat
the lack of substances
4. Choose the correct answer: How is temperature measured?

by taking advantage of one of the facts
by the junction of two different metals
with an ammeter
with a substance between junctions
5. Choose the correct answer: What is thermocouple?

the substance motion
the junction measure
the junction of two different metals
the junction of two motions
6. Choose the correct answer: What is an ammeter?

a device indicating strength of current
a device of motions
a device indicating cold
a device indicating metal
7. Choose the correct answer: What is voltage?

a value of metal
a temperature decrease
a metal motion
a value of electric current
8. Choose the correct answer: What temperature scales are used?

the Centigrade and ammeter
the Fahrenheit and voltage
the Centigrade and the Fahrenheit
the ammeter and thermocouple
9. Choose the correct answer: What is absolute temperature?

the lowest attainable temperature
the highest attainable temperature
the lowest and highest attainable temperatures
the turning temperature point
10. Choose the correct answer: What units are used for measuring heat?

the BTU and the joule
the ammeter and the joule
the joule and the temperature
the ammeter and the temperature
11. Choose the correct answer: What is the latent heat of a substance?

the amount of temperature which has to be added to unit weight of the substance to change its state from solid to solid
the amount of heat which has to be added to unit weight of the substance to change its state from solid to liquid
the amount of liquid which has to be added to unit weight of the substance to change its state from solid to liquid
the amount of resistance which has to be added to unit weight of the substance to change its state from solid to solid
12. Choose the correct answer: What is sensible heat?

It is heat which results in a resistance
It is heat which results in joule
It is heat which results in current
It is heat which results in temperature
13. Choose the correct answer: What is specific heat?

the raise of the sunstance
the decrease of the motion
the ratio of the amount of heat which will raise the temperature of a given weight
the ratio of the amount of heat which will raise the temperature of cold
14. Choose the correct answer: What is superheated vapour?

It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are in accordance with the temperature-vapour –pressure relationship for the particular substance
It is vapour removed from contact with its liquid
It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are low
It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are high
15. Choose the correct answer: What is saturated vapour?

It is vapour removed from contact with its liquid
It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are low
It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are high
It is vapour whose temperature and pressure are in accordance with the temperature-vapour –pressure relationship for the particular substance
16. Choose the correct answer: What is thermodynamics?

It is a science of the relations between the motion of some molecules
It is a science of the metal temperature
It a science of the relations between heat and mechanical work
It is a science of the relations between temperature and resistance of current

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