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Kazakhstan flora and fauna overview Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan. There are about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, 107 kinds of fish. There are more than ten thousand kinds of insects.

Kazakhstan flora and fauna facts

Northern Kazakhstan is forest-steppe; to the south - steppe, there are semi-deserts and sandy deserts with saxaul thickets. The coniferous woods are located on slopes of mountains.

The plateau Usturt of Kazakhstan, located between Caspian and Aral seas, is a slightly hilly deserted plain, faintly covered by wormwood; only in widely widespread hollows are black saxauls. Western chink is especially picturesque, which height achieves 340 meters. Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Trans Caspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. Here are a lot of slim goitred gazelles, deserted birds.

The slopes of Northern Tien Shan are covered with fur-tree woods, and Western Tien Shan - with the low bushes and meadows. There are nut-trees with woods, the tops are covered with eternal snows and glaciers.

It is possible to meet fury ounce, Tien Shan brown bear, Siberian ibex, famous lammergeyer, the scope of which wings reaches more than three meters, Snow cock (it calls also mountain turkey), snow vulture, griffon vulture, golden eagle.

In the Altai Mountains of Kazakhstan, covered with taiga woods you will meet a giant moose, beautiful maral, the smallest deer - musk deer, famous sable, chipmunk.

The steppes of Kazakhstan are magnificent. The special charm to them is given by fresh and salty lakes, on which are thousands of waterfowls and coastal birds submitted tens kinds of ducks, geese, gull, sea swallow, herons.

There is a protected unique pine wood. A lot of predatory birds are living in Kazakhstan steppes, such as imperial eagle, falcons.

The deserts of Kazakhstan are rather original. Basically, it is extensive clay plains, covered by bushes. For Kazakhstan deserts are most typical reptiles - Central Asian turtle, the largest lizard - grey monitor lizard (lives only in Kyzyl-Kum desert), many kinds of gecko and 17 kinds of the

Parts of Kazakhstan

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