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The girl gas a headache переводя напиши предложение!

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У девушки газовая головная боль

The girl gas a headache - У девушки разболелась голова.

1.what are you ( doing) after work today? -i (am meet ing) brown for a game of tennis. 2.father is tired. he (is go ing ) to bed early tonight. 3.if i ( had ) enough time right now, i (would write) my friend a letter. 4.when does lisa ( arrive ( arrives) at six tomorrow. 5.bella (has) a very bad habit.she is constantly (interrupt ing ) people. 6.when dennis (hears) the news,he (will be) very glad. 7.how do you spell "tomorrow"? -i (will look) it up in the dictionary for you. 8.if sam (does not finish)work in time, he (will be ) late for his bus. 9.now i (see) what kind of person she (is). 10.look at sandy ! she (looks) angry. 11.as soon as he (contacts) us, we (shall give) him your message. 12.don't forget to take your jacket. it (is gett ing ) colder. 13.i (am) tired of having you for a roommate! you areconstantly ( tak ing) my discs without asking. 14.he (is think ing) about his future right now. he ( thinks) it (will be) brilliant. 15.now i ( know) the way of doing it. 16.their trip (starts) tomorrow.they (leave ) at 7. 17.where are you ( go (will be) back in a moment. 18.john (is) busy now.he (is hav ing) his guitar lesson at the moment. 19.i (do not  like )alan at all! he is always (giggl ing) when he ( sees) me. 20. can you ( see) these papers now. could you check them?

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