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Сделать предложения из пассивного в активный 1. As soon as the fire was put out the fire fighters left.
2. This dress is made from cotton
3. This book was returned to the library yesterday.
4. The birthday present will be sent tomorrow.
5. The museum has been visited by a million people so far

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ah! He has won! – Ого! Он выиграл!

Er… I am not sure. – Ээ…Я не совсем уверен

Ah, it sounds inter­est­ing! – Ух, это звучит интересно!

Hey! What are you doing here? – Эй! Что ты тут делаешь?

Oh dear! Are you dis­ap­point­ed? – Ох ты! Ты разочарован?



Популярно: Английский язык