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seriously about a thorough reform in the legal
A) have proposed / should have begun
B) had proposed / were beginning
C) am proposing / begin
D) was proposing / have begun
E) proposed / had begun
12. For a hundred years or so some critics
that poetry is dying, and all that time poets
poems that later generations recognize as
A) have maintained / have been writing
B) maintained / wrote
C) had maintained / were writing
D) maintain / are writing
E) would maintain / had been writing
13. The orders were that we the area within
hours to prevent further loss of life
A) had evacuated
B) have to evacuate
C) will have evacuated
D) shall have to evacuate
E) had to evacuate
14. As I you yesterday, the undersecretary
over this afternoon’s discussions
A) have told / was presiding
B) told / will be presiding
C) would have told / had presided
D) will tell / has presided
E) would tell / has been presiding
15. The Etruscans, who a great part of Italy
about 900 B.C., from Asia Minor.
A) had colonized / originally came
B) colonized / had originally come
C) were colonized / have originally come
D) have colonized / originally come
E) were colonizing / might originally come
16. One feels that there any noticeable
improvement in the human rights problem in Africa
until all the African countries their
economic difficulties.
A) cannot be / will overcome
B) hasn’t been / had overcome
C) won’t be / overcome
D) wouldn’t be / would be overcome
E) wasn’t / have overcome
17. It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs
involved in the construction of the bridge
by the Ministry.
A) would have been announced
B) have been announced
C) would be announced
D) are being announced
E) will have been announced
18. Before I got to the end of his article I felt I knew
everything there about the North America
Free Trade Agreement.
A) had known
B) was to know
C) is known
D) is being known
E) has to be known
19. In recent decades, the efficiency of the United
Nations by a growing number of countries.
A) will have been questioned
B) would be questioned
C) has been questioned
D) had been questioned
E) was questioned
20. We no problems whatsoever with the dam
since it forty years ago.
A) had / has been constructed
B) were having / was being constructed
C) have had / was constructed
D) had had / had been constructed
E) are having / is constructed
и ещё с каждым ответом нужно написать почему вы так написали​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) no there isn’t
2) no there aren’t
3) is there a beach? Yes there is
4) yes there are
5) Is there a chemist’s? Yes, there is
Вообще 5 предложение странное, тут речь идет о каких то предметах ученого, но много их или мало непонятно, поэтому тут и are there подойдет

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