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Defining relative clauses

1. Match the sentence beginnings 1–6 with the endings a–f.

1. This is the professor

2. Most of the products

3. An IT company

4. This letter comes from a company

5. I know a lot of people

6. This is the university

a) which we buy come from China.

b) which offers good services doesn’t need advertising.

c) who come from South America.

d) which wants to employ me.

e) who teaches me a lot of useful things.

f) where I studied business.

2. Choose all the answers that are possible.

1. This is the company car I told you about.

A who B which C where D that E -

2. The woman is talking to the receptionist is the manager’s wife.

A who B which C where D that E -

3. All the people work in my department are from the USA.

A who B which C where D that E -

4. The hotel we’re staying is in Wellington Street.

A who B which C where D that E -

5. I’d like to buy a printer is quick and quiet.

A who B which C where D that E -

6. During my gap year I stayed in a village there were no doctors.

A who B which C where D that E -

3. Fill in who, whose или which.

1. Mary don’t know ___ sheet of paper it was. 2. We are talking about the book ___ we bought a week ago. 3. I didn’t know the woman ___ was looking at me yesterday in the shop. 4. Where is the cake ___ he cooked yesterday? 5. Do you know ___ dog it is? 6. I know ___ broke your laptop. 7. They are discussing the girl ___ won the competition. 8. Do you see the cat ___ has a big violet bow? 9. She wonders ___ bike it is. 10. The chocolate ___ I bought is in the fridge.

4. Join two sentences using a relative pronoun

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.

1. I bought a phone. It was nice.

2. Ann has got a friend. She sings well.

3. Max has become an actor. You met him last year.

4. I forgot to print the аrticle. I wrote it yesterdаy.

5. The boy was sad. His motorcycle was broken.

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Моя личная комната my room is small, but it is very cozy and bright. my room belongs only to me and no one shares it with me. in addition, my room is the most distant from the other rooms in my house and no one can eavesdrop on me. there is a bed, bookshelves and a writing desk with a computer on it. my room is not just a place where i can relax, it is also a place where i can work! there are many large and exotic plants. it creates a special atmosphere here. i love traveling and soccer, so on the walls in my room there are a lot of pictures and posters of footballers or different countries. also i collect model cars, so on my shelf you can see a number of beautiful and old-fashioned cars. i personally believe that precisely this collection of selected cars and posters on the walls makes my room a bit special and unique. there is also a stereo system and a guitar. sometimes when i stay home alone, i turn on the music at full volume, or play guitar with friends. no matter what anyone says, my room is great! перевод: моя комната маленькая, но уютная и светлая. моя комната принадлежит только мне и никто не разделяет её со мной. к тому же, моя комната самая отдалённая из всех комнат в моём доме и никто не может подслушивать меня. здесь есть кровать, книжные полки и письменный стол с компьютером. моя комната это не только место, где я могу отдохнуть, это ещё и место, где я могу работать. в моей комнате есть много больших, экзотических растений. это создаёт в моей комнате особую атмосферу. я люблю путешествия и футбол, поэтому в моей комнате большое количество картин и плакатов с футболистами и различными странами. также я коллекционирую модели машин, поэтому на полку в моей комнате ты можешь увидеть целый ряд красивых, необычных и старомодных машин. я считаю, что именно эта коллекция машин и плакаты на стенах делают мою комнату немного особенной и уникальной. здесь также есть музыкальный центр и гитара. иногда, когда я остаюсь дома один, я включаю музыку на всю громкость или играю на гитаре с друзьями. кто бы что ни говорил, но моя комната восхитительна!

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