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Several ice ages of glacial periods The current changes arenture
causes, but of human activity. Thermore, the
changes are occurring alarmingly rapid
The major problem is perhaps, that the planets
warming up. According to some experts, this
warming, known as global warming, has been
occurring in the last 10,000 years. The implications
for the planet are very serious. Rising global
temperatures could give rise to such ecological
disasters such as floods and droughts. This could
have a harmful effect on agriculture.
This unusual warming of the earth has been
caused partly by so-called greenhouse gases, such
as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the
atmosphere by car engines and modern industrial
processes, for example. Such gases, not only add
to the pollution of the atmosphere, but also create
a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of sun is
trapped. This leads to the warming up of the
Politicians are also concerned about climate
change and there are now regular meetings on the
subject, attended by representatives from many of
the world's industrialized countries. In Kyoto, Japan
in 1997, it was agreed that the most industrialized
countries would try to reduce the volume of
greenhouse gas emissions and were given targets
for their reductions.
Sadly the targets are not being met. Even more
sadly, global warnings about climate changes are
often still being regarded as scaremongering.
What climate changes have taken place before
the present time?

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Ответы на вопрос:

а) средняя температура января: на западном побережье оказывает отепляющее воздействие Атлантический океан, в центре материка формируется Азиатский min.
б) средняя температура июля: на западном побережье более прохладным лето делают морские ВМ, с продвижением вглубь материка усиливается влияние Азиатского минимума.
в) атмосферное давление зимой: зимой в центре материка давление больше, т.к. здесь формируется антициклон.
г) атмосферное давление летом: летом в центре материка давление ниже, что связано с формированием здесь циклона.
д) годовое количество осадков: изменяется с усилением континентальности климат.
е) режим осадков: связи с особенностями циркуляции атмосферы.

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