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Знатоки английского Заполните пропуски в предложениях
I love sport. In the summer I ___ tennis and in the winter I ___ a lot of skiing.
There was a__ of 70,000 for the last game at Wembley ___.
It wasn’t a dirty game but the ___ still booked five players in the second half.
At the end of the game about 500 ___ climbed over the fence and ran onto the ___ to cheer the players off and celebrate their 2-0 victory.
In the final of the tennis, the problem started when the ___ overruled the linesman and gave the point to Hingis.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 curious, famous, focus, industrious, serious, nervous.2 excellent,obedient, different, indephindent, equivalent3 best, nicest, forest, youngest, just, closest, fast4 stormy, merry, slowly, terribly, noisy, family5 fourth, worth, eighth, eleventh, north, fifth.






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