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ask 1. Read the text and mark the sentences True or False,
very year, natural disasters affect about 250 million people and global warming is m
roughts, floods and avalanches more common. Sadly, we can't stop the disasters, but
educe the number of people who die in them,
n Bangladesh, a lot of people have to live on lat land near the sea, but the cyclones the
errible floods. In 1970, Cyclone Bitola killed about 500,000 people,
In 1991, the even stronger Cyclone Gorky hit the country. This time, people could use
school buildings as emergency shelters. Unfortunately, many women and children didn
them and around 140,000 people drowned. After this, villages set up groups of emergen
volunteers and teachers had to talk to children every week about the things which they
there was a cyclone warning.
They didn't have to wait many years for the next big cyclone, Twelve hours before Cyo
reached land, a Bangladeshi scientist in the USA calculated the exact areas of danger on
computer. The emergency volunteers in the villages spread the warning fast.
Ten-year-old Rapa Begum and her friends ran to all their neighbors”' homes. "You won
you stay here.' All the buildings in the village were destroyed in the cyclone except for ti
shelter. But because of the children's warnings, everyone in the village survived.
Task 2. Read the article again. Are the sentences truc (T) or false (F)?
1 Because of global warming, there are more natural
disasters now than there were in the past. T
2 The cyclone in 1991 was stronger than the cyclone in 1970,
3 The cyclone in 1991 killed more people than the cyclone in 1970,
4 In 1991, there was nowhere safe for women and children to go.
5 These days, emergency volunteers go to schools to warn the children about cyclones,
6 A scientist in the USA helped to save lives in Cyclone Sid. T
7 The buildings in Rapa's village survived because of the cyclone warning,

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Ответы на вопрос:

each country has its own problems.  one problem - it is a problem related to health  health problem involved  ealth care systems. each country has their own health problems. in example in america mane drugs  according health care systems much occupated with drugs.in russia many alcoholics and  health care systems engaged   with  struggle alcohool.  it follows that in each country  health care systems  struggling with the problems  some  for each country.so i understand the different  of health system.


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