Есть ответ 👍

You can rely on me to keep promises. I am
I don't like to spend money. I am
I like to tell other people what to
I am relaxed and I don't get
easily upset or annoyed. I am
I always defend my friends when
other people are critical of them
l am
I don't talk much or make much
noise I am
I like to give things to other
people and spend money on
them. I am

(Нужные слова:mean,shy,loyal,generous,bossy,realiable,easy-going,guiet,serious,)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

i believe that in ten years will fly in to space to explore the stars. all plants and companies will face treatment plants not to pollute the planet. all cars will ride on the ecological fuel and will not produce fumes.

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