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Fill in: by, on, in, along, for, towards, to, off.
1 George and I walked
beach looking for a café.
2 The best way to travel around London is
3 Dana moved slowly
the back
of the bus looking for an empty seat.
4 As soon as they got
the train,
they went to the hotel.
5 We spent the whole day getting around the
city foot.
6 Gulnara rides her bike
7 If we don't book advance,
we'll miss the river cruise.
8 Get ready
an experience of a

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Ответы на вопрос:

Agreat number of other developments which were not heard and thought of before will be introduced. in russia, many people also had doubts about the possibility of using steam engines in the russian winter. nevertheless, the first railway using steam traction was put into service at the nizhni tagil metallurgical works. it was a short distance line covering only 854 metres. this railway was soon followed by another one constructed in 1837. it was a 15-mile public railway between st. petersburg and tsarskoye selo.будет представлено большое количество усовершенствований, о которых раньше не слышали и не думали.в россии многие также сомневались насчёт возможности использования паровых двигателей во время зимы. не смотря на это, первая ж/д, работающая на паровом двигателе, была запущена на металлургическом заводе  в нижнем тагиле. это была короткая линия длиной всего 854 метра. вслед за этой ж/д в 1837 году была построена ещё одна - общественная ж/д между санкт-петербургом и царским селом, длиной 15 миль.

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