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Have you ever wanted to write a book? It isn't easy to write good a novel. It's also difficult to find a publisher for it. But some teenagers have done it.
Helena Coggan has always loved reading all kinds of books and enjoys
writing. She has written two novels so far. She started her first novel,
The Catalyst, when she was only 13. Her second book, Reaction, is
the sequel. The setting for both stories is a future fantasy world. It's a
dangerous place where people fight and use magic against each other.
The main character is Rose, a 15-year-old girl. Rose has special powers,
and she uses her powers to keep herself safe.
Helena has become a successful writer, but she hasn't stopped
working hard at school. She knows it's important to get a good
education. Helena also knows that she has been lucky. Her parents
have helped her a lot. перевод

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Ответы на вопрос:

My toy's name is teddy.  it has got four paws.  its hair is brown.  his teeth are white. (it has got a heart in its paws.)  it   has got small ears.  its mouth is pink.  its eyes are brown.  it is my favourite toy - a teddy bear. у него четыре лапы.  его шерсть  коричневая. его зубы белые.(он держит сердечко в своих лапах.)  у него маленькие ушки.  его рот розовый.  у него коричневые глаза.  это моя любимая игрушка -  плюшевый  медвежонок .

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