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Exercise 5. Read the text and answer the questions. My neighbour Sally is a teacher. She is very busy. When she's not working
at the school, she's out having fun. Every day Sally wakes up at 7 o'clock in
the morning. She has breakfast and then walks to school. She starts
lessons at quarter past eight. Her work is quite hard. She works until 3
o'clock in the afternoon. Then, she goes back home where she has lunch
and rests for a while. In the evenings, she prepares her lessons for the next
day. Later, she sometimes go to the cinema or meets her friends. On
Thursdays, she always does the shopping. On Sundays, she always wakes
up late and then goes for a walk. She usually goes to bed at 11.30 pm.
1. Where does Sally work?
2. What time does she wake up every day?
3. How does she go to work?
4. What time does she finish work?
5. When does she go shopping?
6. What does she do on Sundays?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) Sally workes in school. She's teacher

2) She wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning

3) She goes to school on foot

4) She finishes work at 3 p.m.

5) She goes shopping on Thursdays

6) On Sundays she wakes up late and goes for a walk.

Современный атомный век, в котором мы живем, начался со случайного открытия. в 1895 году учёный вильгельм рентген открыл существование рентгеновских лучей. многие учёные изучали эти лучи, но никто из них не обнаружил, что когда катодные лучи ударяются об стенку  стеклянной трубки крукса, в ней возникают рентгеновские лучи.

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