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Have you ever wanted to write a book? It isn't easy to write a good
novel. It's also difficult to find a publisher for it. But some teenagers
have done it.
Helena Coggan has always loved reading all kinds of books and enjoys
writing. She has written two novels so far. She started her first novel,
The Catalyst, when she was only 13. Her second book, Reaction, is
the sequel.fthe setting for both stories is a future fantasy world. It's a
dangerous place where people fight and use magic against each other.
The main character is Rose, a 15-year-old girl. Rose has special powers,
and she uses her powers to keep herself safe.
Helena has become a successful writer, but she hasn't stopped
koorking hard at school. She knows it's important to get a good
education. Helena also knows that she has been lucky. Her parents
have helped her a lot.
Christopher Paolini is a young American author. He started
writing when h as 15. He has written a series of four
novels, called Inheritance. The books have become
bestsellers in JSA. Over 35 million people have bought
them. Like H. Christopher has always enjoyed reading,
especially fi
and science fiction. Christopher's novels
take place i tasy world. There are dragons, monsters
and strange Is, and lots of magic! The main character
is a 15-year y called Eragon. He grows up on a farm,
but he leav e to become a Dragon Rider, and he has a
lot of adver Christopher's first book, Eragon, has now
become af
is als

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