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Task 2. Complete the sentences with one of the words in brackets. -Дополните предложения одним из слов в скобках.
1. It's cold today. There is
on the car. (icy/ice)
2. I can't see the sun because of that (cloud/cloudy)
3. The weather on holiday was very
4. We can't ski There isn't any (snowy/snow)
5. There is a cold
Wear a coat. (wind/windy)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) ice

2) Cloudy

3) stormy

4) snow

5) wind

Утвердительные предложения:

Her mother is at the market now. She wants some fresh fruit.

They aren't here. They are playing badminton in the yard.

She hates spiders.

Mike bought a new computer game yesterday.

He learned all grammar rules yesterday.

Look! Sam is riding a bike witout hands.

Our relatibes usually visit us in summer.

Во предложения:

Is her mother at the market now? Does she want to buy some fresh fruit?

Aren't they here? Are they playing badminton in the yard?

Did Mike buy a new computer game yesterday?

Does she hate spiders?

Did he learn all grammar rules yesterday?

Look! Is Sam riding a bike without hands?

Do our relatives visit us in summer?

Отрицательные предложения:

Her mother isn't at the market now. She doesn't want to buy fresh fruit.

They aren't here. They aren't playing badminton in the yard.

She doesn't hate spiders.

Mike didn't buy a new computer game yesterday.

He didn't learn all grammar rules yesterday.

Look! Sam aren't riding a bike witout hands.

Our relatives don't usually visit us in summer.

Если что-то непонятно - спрашивай.

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