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Writing Let's write a little test.“ How well do you know British school education?”
1. What types of secondary schools are there in Great Britain?a)primary and private b) state and private
2.Where is the discipline stricter? a)in state schools b) in private schools
3. Most schools are … in Great Britain. a)state b) private
4. These schools are very expensive. a)state b) private
5. Students wear school uniform in …a) state schools b) in private schools.
6. Hampton school is attended only by …. a) girls. b) boys.
7.Children start school in Britain at the age of…a) 5 b) 6
8. Winston Churchill was educated in…a) Harrow school b) Rugby school
9. Private schools are attended by … of pupils. a) 15% b) 5%
10. British pupils finish school at the age of … a) 17 b) 16.

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