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ТУТ ВСЕ ОТВЕТЫ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ В ОНЛАЙН МЕКТЕП 1 МАРТА 1.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Look at the wordsearch below and find two words.
ответ: Lion и Lion
2.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the sentences and choose the correct verbs.
ответ: turns on и go
3.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the descriptions of the main characters in the conspectus. Then read the sentences and drag the names into the gaps.
The leader of Narnia who saved Edmund.
A brave man who wins a wolf and protects Susan.
A very mean boy who makes fun his sister.
ответ : Aslan Peter Edmund
4.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the first part of the summary of the Chronicles of Narnia and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
If Lucy goes to the wood, she sees the faun Tumnus.
If Lucy meets Tumnus, he puts her into the prison.

ответ: Т и F
5.оно у меня неверно :(
6.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the first part of the summary of the Chronicles of Narnia. Choose the correct verb in the sentences below.
If Lucy enters the wardrobe, she
herself in the winter forests.
If Lucy tells her siblings about Narnia, her brother Edmund
fun of her.
ответ:finds и makes
7.The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the second part of the summary of the Chronicles of Narnia. Choose the correct option.
1. What is the Witch’s reaction when she knows about the children?
2. What does the wolf take Aslan’s army?
ответ:She is very angry и to the W
The Chronicles of Narnia, Clive Staples Lewis
Read the second part of the summary of the Chronicles of Narnia. Decide if the statements are Right (R) or Wrong (W).
1. During the trip, the travelers lose Edmund at the Stone Table.
2. Father Christmas informs that magic in the wood becomes stronger.
ответ:R и W
9.у меня неверно :(
вот так вот я вам) кому несложно подпишитеьс на инстаграмм @ava_s_liliana заранее

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