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Write about yout hobby.Answer the questions. Моё хобби рисование.
What is your hobby?What do you like doing?When do you do it?Where?Do you like collecting things?How many things have you got in your collection?Which is your favourite thing?

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Ответы на вопрос:

My hobby is drawing. I like drawing pictures and painting them. I do it at the warm evenings after finishing all my chores. I do it in my room. I do not like collecting things. I haven't got any type of collection. My favourite thing is to answer about my collection even though I do not have one.

1 It's boiling hot today. Let's go to the pool.

2 Mind your hat. Everything is blowing away.

3 Don't open the window. It's freezing cold outside.

4 John, you're soaking wet. Give me your coat to dry.

5 Put on your jumper. It's quite chilly today.

6 Put on your raincoat. It's pouring down today.

7 I love summer. it's very hot and the sun shines all day long.

8 Drive carefully. The roads are wet.

9 Which is your favourite season: summer, spring, winter or autumn?

10 Schoolchildren in Britian wear uniforms.

11 Policemen usually wear a gold badge on their shirts and carry a radio with them.


1 Сегодня нестерпимо жарко. Пойдем в бассейн.

2 Следи за своей шляпой. Все сдувается (ветром).

3 Не открывай окно. На улице очень холодно.

4 Джон, ты промок насквозь. Дай мне свое пальто, его надо просушить.

5 Надень джемпер. Сегодня довольно прохладно.

6 Надень плащ. Сегодня идет ливень.

7 Я люблю лето. Стоит жара, и солнце светит весь день.

8 Езжай осторожно. Дороги мокрые.

9 Какое ваше любимое время года: лето, весна, зима или осень?

10 Школьники в Британии носят форму.

11 Полицейские обычно носят золотой значок на рубашке и еще носят с собой рацию.

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