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Exercise 4

Translate into English
1. Может быть, она потеряла сумку.
2. Не могли бы вы, сказать, который час?
3. Сколько ей, по вашему, лет?
4. Здесь курить не разрешается.
5. Мне приходится вставать очень рано.
6. Вы могли бы предложить свою когда он попал в беду.
7. Мы должны подчиняться законам.
8. Ты за это заплатишь.
9. Я с большим удовольствием остался бы дома.
10. Не хотите этого делать – не нужно.
11. Как ты смеешь говорить такие вещи?
12. Вряд ли вы его знаете.
13. Вам следовало, было знать это.
14. Это вам должно подойти.
15. Мне подождать тебя?
16. Он, должно быть, допустил ошибку.
17. Ему никак не может быть больше сорока.
18. Может быть, он и сделал это, никто не знает.
19. Он, может быть, заблудился.
20. Он готов был заплакать от стыда.

Exercise 5

Put in the modal verbs
We must make decisions all the time? But we … never be certain whether we are right or wrong. The work you choose to do … be suitable for you or it … not. The person you marry … be perfect match for … be the worst possible choice. Suppose you have saved money for the future. You … invest it wisely so that it grows in value or you … lose the lot in a foolish moment. You think you have a healthy diet, but the cause of terrible illness. Perhaps you travel a lot by plane. All the flights you make are routine, but one of them … be your last. Decisions! Decisions! But we don’t learn from experience. Experience is the quality that allows us to go on making the same mistakes with more confidence.

Exercise 6

Make questions
1. We must be there today.
2. He can understand what I mean.
3. Tom had to lock the door.
4. You may change the plan.
5. She ought to be present.
6. The children were allowed to stay out till 9 o’clock.
7. The girls will be allowed to take part in the competition.
8. The pupils had to write a test at the previous lesson.

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Exercise 4

1. Maybe she lost her bag.

2. Could you tell me what time it is?

3. How old do you think she is?

4. Smoking is not permitted here.

5. I have to get up very early.

6. You could offer your help when he is in trouble.

7. We must obey the laws.

8. You will pay for it.

9. I would love to stay at home.

10. If you don’t want to do this, you don’t need to.

11. How dare you say such things?

12. You hardly know him.

13. You should have known this.

14. This should suit you.

15. Should I wait for you?

16. He must have made a mistake.

17. He can never be more than forty.

18. Maybe he did it, nobody knows.

19. He may be lost.

20. He was ready to cry with shame


1. the music is very loud. it s difficult to hear you​

2. to pass

3. reading

4. to buy

5. to stay

6. to understend

7. seeing

8. writing

9. to take

10. playing

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