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4. Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the text. You may have to change some words slightly. digital data; IP address; routers; access; broadband; links; attached files; voice calls

1. By clicking on a ___, you might be taken to another website.

2. Traditionally, telecoms companies make most of their profits from ___.

3. It’s possible to store a lot more ___ on a DVD.

4. The ___ will connect your computer to the Internet via your phone line.

5. With the e-mail we received some _ .

6. Most public libraries provide free ___ to the Internet for library members.

7. With ___, you can watch live news and sport, download and share large files quickly.

8. In order to be able to connect to the Internet a computer needs an ___.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)what do you do 2)how are you 3)what did you eat 4)do you know my parents 5)will you have free time tonight 6)what time now 7) where did you run away yesterday 8) this is your first visit to new york

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