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Task 1 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers. (5
Hi, I'm Nildd, and I'm a scout The Scout Association is a
popular club for boys and girls. There are nearly 4000,000
scouts in the USA, and more than 400,000 scouts in the UK.
Around 30,700 of those are gisis.
This weekend, my scout group is going to go to the Scottish
mountains. We aren't going to stay in a hotell The teachers have
got small tents, but my tent is large-six scouts are going to
sleep in it! It rains a lot of time in the mountains, and it's
sometimes stormy there, too, but I hope it will be sunny this
It's going to be fun! We're going to go for long walls, and make
dinner on stoves. We're going to cook lots of rice and
vegetables. We won't have any junk food, like burgers!
1 How many British scouts are there?
a about 20,700 c about 400,000
b about 4000,000
Where is Nick going to sleep this weekend?
a in a big tent c in a small tent
b in a hotel
3 What is the weather often like in north Wales?
a stormy brainy c sunny
4 What food isn't Nikki going to eat?
a vegetables brice c burgers
5 What is the text mainly about?
a what it's like to be a scout
b a camping holiday
c the history of the scouts​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. i like dancing, too. i began going in for sports when i was eight years old. it was swimming. i went to the swimming pool with all my family.  now my hobby is lawn tennis. i like to play tennis very much. i play tennis two times a week: on wednesday and friday. i think i am good at tennis, but i want to play it better. i hope in future i will be a good tennis-player.мои любимые виды спорта - теннис и плавание. я также люблю танцевать. я начала заниматься спортом, когда мне было восемь лет. я стала ходить в бассейн. я ходила в бассейн со всей семьей. теперь мое хобби - большой теннис. я люблю играть в тенис. я играю в теннис два раза в неделю - в среду и в пятницу. я хорошо играю в теннис. я надеюсь, что в будущем я стану хорошим игроком.

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