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у меня сор 30 минут осталось Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. (4 points) 1. My mother cooked her favourite cake.
2. Kate always asks this question.
3. Mary opened the window in the kitchen.
4. They clean their room twice a week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Present simple: 1.dan plays football everyday 2. i clean up my room every day 3. max often doesn't do his homework. 4. my friends always ask me to do everything for them 5. jane always tells true. 6. i usually wake up at 7 a.m. present contonious: 1.i'm doing my homework now 2. i'm gonna to go for a walk right now. 3. he is very busy at the moment 4. my mom is cooking a dinner now. 5. my father is helping me with math at the moment 6. i'm going to the cinema today.

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