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Mågic màgic coat
Oh no, I need my cout I can't ride without a coat in
this cold weather and Aldar
You can have my fur coat instead, and some money,
too said the bai.
I can't sell my coat, said Aldar. My mother made it
for me
The hai really wanted to have the coat. You can have
my horse, too. It's a very fast horse"
It was a very cold day in winter. Aldar Kose had a coat,
but it was old and there were holes in it. He was poor.
and he had no money to buy a new coat. Aldar looked
at his horse. The horse was old, too, and it was very
"I need a warm coat, and a faster horse, he thought.
Aldar looked at the bai's beautiful white horse. OK
he said. The bai gave him his fur coat, his horse and a
bag of gold. Aldar put on the new coat, took the gold
and jumped on his new horse. Then he turned to the
bai and said: 'I forgot to tell you that this magic coat
only works when I wear it. Goodbye. And he rode off
as quickly as he could!
No I'm not. I've got a magic coat."
A magic coat? But your coat has a hundred holes in it!
said the bai.
"They are magic holes. The holes let the cold air out.
and I stay warm.
I want to have a magic coat, too thought the bai. Do
you want to sell your coat to me?" he asked Aldar Kose.
Then he saw another rider in the distance. When the
rider got closer, Aldar recognised the local bai. He
had an idea. He opened his coat, took off his hat and
started singing cheerfully.
'Hello, Aldar Kose, said the bai. 'It's so cold today
Aren't you cold?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

One of the biggest world problems is trash. we can see a lot of trash nowadays falling onto streets or just floor outside. unfortunately people throw trash at river which goes then to ocean. i can imagine probably how much trash is in the ocean now.the next problem is smoke which comes out from cars, fabrics etc. smoke is may be dangerous for our life. for example smoke that comes out from cars. mostly it’s because of the fuel. if it has bad quality then of course there will be a lot of smoke from it and pretty grey, but if it has a good quality then smoke won’t be so bad and grey.but if course these are not all the problems.
перевод- одна из самых больших проблем это мусор.мы можем увидеть дофига мусора которые люди бросили на улицах.к сожалению люди так же часто бросают мусор в реку, которая в дальнейшем окажется в океане. я представляю сколько сейчас мусора собралось в океане.следущяю проблема это дым, который выходит например из машин, фабрик и т.д. например дым из машин. чаще всего это может быть например из за бензина, если он хорошего качество то дым будет не таким серым и большим, а если же будет плохого качество , то соотвественно и дыма будет больше и дым будет серым, но конечно это не все проблемы.

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