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. Complete the sentences with your own ideas 1.     The best home remedy for me is …………….because………………….

2.     Your best friend has a headache. Give him/her advice.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets to make Type 3 conditionals.

1 If you (had been) at the lecture, you would have seen me.

2. What (would you have done) if you had been me?

3. If he had listened to my advice, he (would not have had) so much stress.

4 If only you (had burnt) the cake, I wouldn't have had to buy one.

5 I would have (arrived) on time if the bus hadn't been late.

6 if I had (known) your phone number, I would have called you last night.

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