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MID TEST V1 6th grade


A Choose the correct item.

1 Sam is forty-five. He is … .

A middle-aged B old C young

2 I am going to the … to buy vegetables.

A greengrocer’s B baker’s C chemist’s

3 I always fly … plane.

A by B on C in

4 … the evening I do my homework.

A On B In C At

5 Every year twins … the decorations.

A makes B make C do

6 Is it … identity card?

A your B yours C you

7 March is the … month of the year.

A first B second C third

8 When in the car, don’t … out of the window.

A line B lane C lean

9 I … have lessons at weekends.

A always B sometimes C never

10 Look! Laura … a cake.

A is bringing B brings C bring

11 Aldo is from Brasília. He is … .

A Brazilish B Brasilese C Brazilian

12 12:45. It’s …

A quarter past one

B quarter to one

C forty-five to one

13 You … go here. Look at the sign!

A aren’t B can’t C haven’t

14 I like spaghetti. It’s … .

A exciting B boring C delicious

15 … your father watch thrillers?

A Do B Does C Is

16 Come and join … the fun!

A on B at C in

17 Johnny is … son.

A Janet’s B Janets’ C Janets

18 My birthday is … December.

A on B in C at

19 Go down the street … you get to the bank.

A until B traffic C corner

20 They … go to the cinema every weekend.

A aren’t B don’t C doesn’t

21 They … the washing up now.

A are doing B do C does

22 This alarm clock isn’t … .

A she B her C hers

23 There aren’t … books on the table.

A some B any C a

24 Turn left … Green street.

A on B into C of

25 Don’t you love getting dressed … in a costume?

A in B up C down

26 Belfast is a … of Northern Ireland.

A desert B river C capital

27 There is a table … the TV and the sofa.

A between B opposite C behind

28 I walk to school … foot.

A on B by C in

29 After school Tony always … out with friends.

A is going B go C goes

30 Why don’t you come … for coffee?

A up B down C over

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Ответы на вопрос:

1what's it? (classroom) whose classroom is it? (our) is it a classroom or a teacher 's room ? (classroom ) 2 what kind of room is it? ( light ) 3 what are yellow in my room? (the walls ) where are the walls yellow? (my room ) what color are the walls in my room? 4 what color is the cup? (white ) 5 what kind of ties are they? (new) 6 where is the table ? (at the window ) 7 where are the chairs? (at the table ) 8 who is our teacher? (klimow) what is klimow ? (our teacher ) 9 who is sitting at the window? (peter) what is peter doing? (is sitting ) where is peter sitting? (at the window ) 10 what kind of newspaper is it? (english ) what is it (in english newspaper )

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