Есть ответ 👍

ДАЮ 100 Б Задание 2. От слов в рамке образуйте новые слова с суффиксов. Заполните пропускн в предложениях подходящими по
смыслу словами. .
e doubt, art, free, equal, Russia
Mpumep, equip - equipment
We need hunting ... to kill a bear. - We need hunting equipment to kill a
1. ... is the most valuable thing for a person.
2. She was ... whether the new shoes will be any better
3. They always ... their results.
4. These paintings are so terrible! !
5. My friend from Spain likes ... cuisine.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the giraffe was very small.

2. my cats weren't chinese.

3. yolanda wasn't your best friend.

4. julian and his sister were very intelligent.

5. the trees were very high.

6. my english teacher wasn't scottish.

7. diana's parents were on a holiday in belgium.

8. those documentaries weren't interesting.

Популярно: Английский язык