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A: How long you (play) on the school volleyball team? Mum and Dad (work) in Japan for years, but they're back in the UK now.
3 My mum (cook) a fantastic birthday cake at the weekend.
4 He (not send) a birthday present for his sister and she was very upset.
5 I (not watch) this programme for years. It's great!
6 Sophie (be) in hospital for a week. I’m going to visit her today.
7 you (take) any good photos at the party last night?
8 I (hear) a strange noise in the middle of the night.
9 How long she (know) how to drive?
10 We (not meet) Mary at the match yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

23.​ (are you doing) anything at the moment? i need some help with the computer.24.​ this product (contains) no added chemicals of any kind.25.​ nobody (visits) rome without going to see the ruins of the roman forum.26.​ sarah (is beginning) to regret not taking the job in france she was offered.27.​ martin (is seeing) tina at the moment. they've been going out together for the past month.28.​ i'm sorry, but i (do not know) where george is at the moment.29.​ 'is helen ready yet? ' 'she (is taking) her time, but she says she'll be ready soon.'30.​ the larger of the two rooms (measures) 8 m by 4 m.31.​ what (is happening) in the street now? i can't see anything from here.32.​ there's nobody else to do the job, so i (suppose) i'll have to do it

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