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Do you like english ? a) learn b) learning
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learning b

после like обычно используют Инфинитив с окончанием ing


I like reading

I like watching TV

можно использовать просто Инфинитив только со словом to

I like to read

I like to watch TV

My city is located on the territory with a temperate climate. in an early autumn it is still enough hot, trees begin to change clothes in yellow, red, claret dresses. then it’s gradually getting cold, leaves drop out, summer birds fly away. the sun shines less, streets become gloomy, there is often a drizzle. our winter is cold, sometimes there is severe frost or hoarfrost, it is often snowing, the river is covered with ice, and there is ice-slick on roads. i like when snow lies everywhere, trees are covered with hoarfrost and the sun shines, everything sparkles in the different colours as if the earth is covered with diamonds. spring comes early enough, at the end of march buds begin to swell. on the streets of our city is warm, everything begins to turn green and to bloom. from time to time there are steady rains, during the rains it is sad in our city, but then the sun comes up and all people go out to breathe fresh air. summer is hot and solar, sometimes happens stuffy, air temperature reaches 40 degrees. in such weather we eat a lot of ice cream, take cold shower, and go to the city beach. wind is different: cool, hot, easy and strong. sometimes there are rains with thunder-storms after which smells of freshness and breeze coolness. most of all i love summer. in summer there is vacation and i have a birthday, moreover it is possible to bathe and to stay long on the street because days are long and it darkens late. in summer birds sing their marvelous songs. but i love our city at all seasons of the year, because it the best on the earth.

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