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The blue leaves.
Jane and Alice are two English girls. They are good friends and sit at one desk together. They go to school together, they play in the yard together, and they do everything together.

One day the girls had the Arts lesson at school. The teacher said: “Children, do you like the leaves in the trees? What colour are they?” The children looked through the window and saw the green leaves in the trees. “Now, children, draw the green leaves in the trees in your albums,”- said the teacher.

The children began to draw. Jane looked into her box of pencils, but she couldn’t find a green pencil in it. She saw only red, orange, brown, blue and yellow pencils. Alice had two green pencils. Jane asked Alice to give her one green pencil. But Alice answered: “I’m sorry, I can’t”.
And Jane took her blue pencil and drew the leaves with it.

The teacher came up to the girls. She looked at their pictures. Alice’s leaves were green, but Jane’s leaves were blue. The teacher understood everything and said: “A friend in need is a friend indeed!”

III. Read text and decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Jane and Alice are two sisters.
2. They go to school together, they play together, they do everything together.
3. The children looked through the window and saw yellow, brown, red and green leaves in the trees.
4. Jane couldn’t find a green pencil in her box of pencils.
5. Alice had two green pencils but she didn’t want to give one pencil to Jane.
6. Jane decided to take her blue pencil and draw the leaves with it.
7. The teacher couldn’t understand why Jane’s leaves were blue.
8. The teacher said: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
9. One day the girls had an English lesson.
10. Alice was a good friend.

IV. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. Jane and Alice are .

a) sisters b) cousins c) classmates.

2. One day the girls had .

a) the Arts lesson b) the music lesson c) the English lesson

3. The children looked through the window and saw .

a) grassb) sky с) leaves.

4. The teacher said to the children .

a) to draw the leaves in their albums b) to collect the leaves c) to sweep the leaves

5. Jane couldn’t find .

a) a green pencil b) a blue pencil c) a small pencil

6. Alice had .

a) no green pencil b) one green pencil c) two green pencils

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