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Exercise 1 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.PetsIf you decide to buy a pet, you should (1) ___ out as much as possible about the pet you (2) ___. Cats are easy to (3) ___ after and seem to be (4) ___, but also need the company of people. If your cat find someone who (5) ___ for it more than you do, it will change owners! A small puppy may look like a (6) ___ pet, but don’t forget that it will (7) ___ up. You may not be able to (8) ___ up with a very large dog that is too big for its (9) ___ and which (10) ___ on sleeping on your bed! Unless you (11) ___ it, it may attack people, or (12) ___ loudly day and night. Nobody loves a (13) ___ pet. Perhaps this is why so many people (14) ___ in for birds or fish as pets. Whatever you decide in the (15) ___, think carefully before you make a decision.

1A goB lookC findD take2A chooseB decideC takeD do3A runB change C findD look4A singularB dependedC independentD single5A feedsB caresC looks D loves6A suitedB suitingC suitD suitable7A growB getC standD buy8A stayB liveC putD feed9A lodgingB kennelC cupboardD box10A reliesB insistsC carriesD concentrates11A trainB learnC lessonD educate12A wagB quackC mooD bark13A disobeyB disobeyingC disobedientD disobeyed14A goB preferC decideD take
15A houseB factC firstD end

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Ответы на вопрос:

my mum often watches tv in the evening.  

the girls never ride their bikes to school.

he usually goes to bed early.

you sometimes visit your grandmother on sunday.

my friends always play football at the weekend.

Популярно: Английский язык